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Frequently Asked Questions

Equivalence (en)

What is the purpose of diploma equivalence?

Equivalence can be useful in the context of a job search or continuation of studies. It is necessary when the job in question requires a diploma awarded in Belgium, e.g. for regulated professions.
If you want to work in the public sector or in an institution subsidised by the public authorities, you will probably have to request equivalence of your diploma.
On the other hand, if you want to work in the private sector, a decision concerning equivalence is generally not necessary. An employer can therefore hire you without prior recognition of your foreign diploma.
For more information, see "What is equivalence?".


I have a European diploma, do I still need to request equivalence of my diploma?

The fact that your diploma is obtained in Europe or that it is covered by the Bologna Process does not necessarily mean that it is automatically recognised in Belgium.

You may be asked to apply for equivalence in connection with recruitment in certain sectors (public administrations in particular) or for access to certain types of studies (such as aggregation, training that prepares students for regulated teaching professions).

If your diploma was obtained outside the European Economic Area, or if you do not have the nationality of one of those countries, equivalence to a specific academic degree is essential for practising regulated professions.

For more information, see "What is equivalence?".

The only exception to these principles concerns the equivalence of study levels for diplomas awarded within the Benelux region. By reason of the decision taken on 18 May 2015 by the Benelux Committee of Ministers on the generic automatic mutual recognition of the level of higher education diplomas, adopted on 25 January 2018, holders of Dutch or Luxembourg diplomas at levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the European Qualification Framework do not have to take any steps with the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation with a view to having their level recognised.


What documents do I need to submit to apply for equivalence?

Any application for equivalence of a foreign higher education diploma must now be submitted online. Documents to be downloaded are listed on the "Submit a request" page.

How long is the academic recognition procedure (equivalence) and what does it cost?

As soon as all the requested documents have been provided for the compilation of the file and an acknowledgement of receipt has been communicated to you, our Directorate legally has 4 months to obtain the opinion of the Equivalence Commission. Once the latter has concluded its deliberations, the decision taken on the basis of that opinion shall be forwarded within a maximum of 40 days.

The cost of this procedure is €200.  For diplomas awarded in a country receiving official development assistance (ODA), the amount is €150.

If you are a refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary or temporary protection in Belgium, the procedure is free of charge.

Namely: These procedural costs will be paid in a second stage, after being informed by our Directorate.

These amounts do not include indirect costs, such as any costs for sworn translations of academic documents.

For more information, see the “Equivalence - Procedure” section.


Do I have to apply for equivalence of my graduate studies to pursue graduate studies in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation?

No. Admission to studies, including the validation of credits and/or professional experience, is the responsibility of the higher education institutions. Equivalence can only be requested from our Directorate in certain specific cases, such as access to a specialised bachelor's degree, aggregation, etc.

For more information, see the "Study" section.


Do I need to apply for equivalence of my post-graduate studies to access specialised master's or doctoral studies?

No. On the basis of articles 112 and 115 of the "Landscape" decree of 7 November 2013, universities have the authority to validate a foreign degree or diploma certifying graduate studies with a view to access to this type of study.

For more information, see the "Study" section.


Does the university have the authority to award equivalence of diplomas?

Yes, for doctoral studies abroad. On the basis of Article 92 of the "Landscape" decree of 7 November 2013, the university has the authority to decide on equivalence to the specific doctoral degrees.

In other cases, higher education institutions, including universities, only decide on the validation of your higher education studies for the purposes of admission to the programmes organised by them. They may not issue decisions on the equivalence of a foreign diploma with the master’s or bachelor’s degrees.


Do I have to provide equivalence of my foreign diploma of higher secondary studies (e.g. the French baccalaureate) to the CESS (Certificate of Higher Secondary Studies) awarded in FW-B to gain access to higher studies?

Yes. This is one of the conditions for access to the first cycle of higher education (art. 107, paragraph 1, 7° of the "Landscape" decree of 7 November 2013, although other possibilities are also provided for by the same decree.

Is my equivalence issued by the Flemish or German-speaking Community valid in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation?

Equivalences are awarded in relation to a specific higher education system. If equivalence to a diploma awarded in FW-B is necessary, it means that you will have to apply for recognition in FW-B even if another Community has already recognised your diploma.


I have a degree from the Flemish Community, can I make a request for equivalence?

No. The equivalences of diplomas concern only diplomas awarded outside Belgium.

For more information, see "What is equivalence?".


I have equivalence from another country, is it valid in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation?

No. Recognition of a diploma always takes place in relation to a specific higher education system. As higher education systems are very different from one country to another, the recognition obtained only applies to the country that processed your application.

I am an employer, how can I verify the authenticity of an equivalence ruling?

If you have legitimate doubts about an equivalence ruling issued by our Directorate, please contact us: equi.sup(at)

Personal data is processed in accordance with the GDPR. Any questions relating to the processing of personal data may be sent to the following address:  dataprotection(at)


I want to work abroad, do I need to request equivalence?

Equivalence is a concept peculiar to FW-B.

If you have any questions about the recognition of FW-B diplomas abroad, please contact the ENIC-NARIC centre of the country concerned. You can find their contact details on the following website:


Is there a deadline to apply for equivalence?

No. You can submit your application throughout the year.

I’ve lost my equivalence ruling, can I ask for a duplicate?

It is possible to request a duplicate.

If your file has not been processed electronically, please contact us: equi.sup(at)


How can I appeal against an equivalence ruling?

Decisions on equivalence may be appealed to the Council of State for annulment ( The Council of State is the Belgian court with jurisdiction for all appeals against administrative decisions.

The services of the Walloon Ombudsman and the Walloon-Brussels Federation are also at your disposal for any information with regard to challenging an administrative decision ( The Ombudsman receives complaints concerning the functioning of the administrative services in relations with citizens. The latter is independent and the free recourse attempts to provide an answer, a further explanation, a new direction and reconciliation of the different points of view between the citizen and the administration.

For more information, see  “Equivalence - Procedure: What are the possibilities to lodge an appeal?".


Professional recognition

What documents do I need to submit in order to apply for professional recognition?

All applications for professional recognition of teacher qualifications must now be submitted online. Documents to be downloaded are listed on the "Submitting a request".

How long is the certification procedure and what does it cost?

Once all the requested documents have been provided for the compilation of the file, we have a maximum period of one month to acknowledge receipt of your file. An opinion on your application for recognition must be issued by the Accreditation Commission for access to teaching posts within three months. On the basis of this opinion, the final decision will be sent to you by our relevant department.

The cost of this procedure is €65

Namely: These procedural costs will be paid in a second stage, after being informed by our Directorate.
This amount does not include indirect costs, such as any costs for sworn translations of academic documents where the original language of the documents is neither English nor French..

See "Professional recognition - procedure" for more information.

I want to withdraw my application for recognition, can I get my procedural costs refunded?

If you do not wish to continue with your application for recognition and it has not yet been decided on, you have the option to request a refund of the costs of the procedure. Please contact your case manager in this regard.

How can I appeal against a recognition decision?

Decisions on equivalence may be appealed to the Council of State for annulment ( The Council of State is the Belgian court with jurisdiction for all appeals against administrative decisions.

The services of the Walloon Ombudsman and the Walloon-Brussels Federation are also at your disposal for any information with regard to challenging an administrative decision ( The Ombudsman receives complaints concerning the functioning of the administrative services in relations with citizens. The latter is independent and the free recourse attempts to provide an answer, a further explanation, a new direction and reconciliation of the different points of view between the citizen and the administration.

At European level, SOLVIT ( is a free online service provided by the national administration of each EU country as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. SOLVIT is available to citizens who feel that their rights are not respected by the administration of another EU country and who have not yet taken legal action.

For more information, see the section "Professional recognition - Procedure: what are the possibilities to lodge an appeal?" ».

Where can I check if my profession is regulated?


Can I file my professional equivalence/certification application at your office?

No, applications for professional equivalence/recognition must now be submitted online.

Can an intermediary submit the request on my behalf?

Yes, provided he/she has explicit authorisation from you. Please contact us (equi.sup(at) for practical details.

I am not satisfied with the decision, can I get a refund of the procedural costs?

If you have obtained a ruling, you cannot get a refund of the procedural costs. However, you can lodge an appeal if you do not agree with the recognition decision that was issued to you.

For more information, see:

I submitted my request online. How do I ensure that my request has been received by your Directorate?

Once your request has been received by the Directorate for the Recognition of Foreign Credentials, you will receive a notification email confirming that your application has been submitted online. If you have not received this notification, we advise you to check your spam folder.

Where can I find a recognised higher education institution recognised in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation?

The list of recognised higher education institutions is available on the website or at

The latter site includes the entire range of programmes offered by the recognised higher education institutions in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

How do I get in touch?

You can find all the information on our "Contact" page.