Would you like to have your higher education diploma obtained outside Belgium recognised in order to enter the job market in the French-speaking region of Belgium?
We are not responsible for recognition of secondary education diplomas (e.g.: French baccalaureate).
There are different recognition procedures in this regard. In order to know which to choose, several decisive elements need to be considered.
The first question is whether your profession is regulated in Belgium.
To check this, you can consult the European database of regulated professions. If your profession is there, it is because access to it necessarily requires recognition of your diploma.
Then, to determine which procedure is applicable, it is necessary to take into account:
- the origin of the diploma (diploma obtained within or outside the European Economic Area (EEA))
- your nationality (EEA or not)
For regulated professions, the geographical origin of your diploma must be taken into account, as well as your nationality:
- European Economic Area (EEA): consult the section on Professional Recognition
- Other countries: see Equivalence section
For unregulated professions, equivalence is the procedure to consider for recognition of your degree.
If you are a refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary or temporary protection, please read the section specific to such persons.